A Really Nice Tenor Saxophone Mouthpiece Facing

One of the less common things to see around is a nice mouthpiece facing, freely given.  Perhaps this is because refacing is not something you should try lightly (and if you do, prepare to ruin a lot of mouthpieces until you get good at it), or perhaps because the facing curve is not so well understood.  Even though a purely mathematical curve can be applied with reasonable success, I have never found a better method for my amateur status as a refacer than finding mouthpieces I love and writing down the facings- and often, these facings don’t fit a pure mathematical curve, so either I like imperfect facings or imperfect facings aren’t so imperfect.  This particular mouthpiece is my hands-down favorite 7 facing, and the one I try to emulate whenever I put a 7 tip on a tenor mouthpiece.  So if you are a refacer, or if you would simply like to try your hand at the craft (again- tread lightly and don’t work on anything valuable unless you are either a professional or a world-class A-hole and don’t mind permanently ruining something that would otherwise last until next century) here is a really great tenor 7 facing.

This mouthpiece is generously shared here thanks to NYC-based Vito Dieterle, who is both a great saxophonist, and a good guy to know.

My gauges are (in inches): .0015, .005, .010, .016, .024, .034, .050, .063, .078, .093.  If you have a different set (which is likely unless you bought yours at the same time I did from the same guy, who doesn’t make them anymore) you can just plot this curve out and adjust it for your gauges.

The tip opening is .098.  The measurements are:


Photo gallery of this mouthpiece: