Hi, my name is Matt Stohrer and I repair saxophones for a living.
I streamlined my website in 2022. If you are looking for saxophone repair content or stuff from the old Open Source Saxophone Project, you will want to check out the Index. I am still creating new saxophone repair content and it is added to the Index as I create it.
I make my living repairing vintage saxophones full time, have now been doing so for 20 years, and plan to do so for the next 20-30 years. I am currently booked many months out, and I am being very selective about the work I take in as I try to keep my wait times reasonable and my work days productive. Previous clients and locals are prioritized. If this changes, I will post here. As always, I am available via phone for any saxophone questions I might be able to help you with. Thank you for stopping by.
-Matt, November 2024
PS: Small news item: I lost some data recently. If you have been waiting to hear back from me about anything or are in line for an overhaul, please reach out.
All content on this website is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike.